CRL Digital Resources for Those Working Remotely

Monday, March 16, 2020

Due to COVID-19, CRL's facility is temporarily closed until further notice. Unfortunately, this means that we have had to temporarily suspend physical item lending, on-demand digitization, and use of the on-site CRL Reading Room.

Despite these interruptions, researchers from CRL member institutions continue to enjoy access to CRL's vast digital content, including our digitized in-house electronic content* and the LLMC Digital database. Additionally, CRL staff members are working remotely and are available to field requests for research assistance.

The following are additional instructions on how to gain access to our digital materials and get assistance from CRL staff:

  • Remote users can find all of CRL's digitally reformatted materials in CRL's catalog using either the digital scope search tab or the advanced search tool. Through the search tool, users can search for electronic materials by limiting the "Reproduction Type" to "Online" and searching by subject or keyword.
  • DDSNext (Digital Delivery System) is a fully searchable database, where one can search across the metadata or the available full text. It contains CRL's latest digitally-reformatted content. Although predominately books, DDSNext also houses dissertations, newspapers, journals, newspapers, government documents, and manuscripts.
  • CRL users have access to LLMC-Digital, an online database providing access to critical, at-risk, primary legal and government publications from the U.S. and other national jurisdictions.
  • CRL also supports numerous Open Access initiatives that extend digital access to rich research collections. For example:
  • A consultation on available CRL electronic resources is always available. Please contact CRL’s Head of Membership Development and Engagement, Mary Wilke, at

*Please note: if you are on campus and unable to access our servers, you may contact CRL Access Initiatives for more information.

The Impact of CRL

Stories illustrating CRL’s impact on research, teaching, collection building and preservation.

CRL and Linda Hall Library partnership brings history of science to researchers' fingertips

Ben Gibson, Digital Initiatives Manager at the Linda Hall Library, discusses the fruits of the library's digitization projects with CRL.

Vanderbilt University digitizes Afro-Colombian oral histories with LARRP grant

The pilot project digitized tapes of interviews conducted by anthropologist, novelist, folklorist, and physician Manuel Zapata Olivella, often dubbed the “dean of Black Hispanic writers.”