Digitization Services
CRL provides materials from the collection in digital format where possible to improve access for research and teaching. All CRL-hosted digital content derived from source materials in the public domain (or for which CRL has secured the requisite rights and permissions) are available on an open access basis without restriction.
All materials digitized from CRL collections can be discovered through CRL’s online catalog.
Selected distinct collections are listed on CRL’s Digital Collections page. The materials are discoverable in WorldCat and various web-scale library discovery services.
Digital Delivery
CRL generates millions of digitized pages each year from print and microform collections, primarily in response to suggestions and requests from our member libraries.
Collaborative Digitization
CRL supports digitization of materials held by CRL and other institutions that are identified by member librarians as providing useful research materials for area and international studies.
Access and Permitted Uses
CRL's digital files are for personal educational and research purposes only. Various additional rights restrictions on the original source materials may apply.
Technical Specifications
CRL creates derivative digital files for access purposes from the best available copies. In almost every instance, original source materials, whether paper or microform, are retained and available for rescanning when necessary and appropriate.
Supporting Discovery of CRL Resources
CRL makes 1.4 million records available through its catalog, in OCLC’s Worldcat, but getting the records in front of patrons can still be a challenge. CRL offers opportunities and strategies to maximize resource exposure for your patrons.
Record Loading
Obtain CRL’s records at no cost, on a quarterly schedule. You can load all of the records, just the records for digitized material, or a subset such as records for newspapers.
Web Discovery Systems
CRL records are also available in WorldCat and the major web scale discovery services. To make CRL records available through a discovery service, libraries must subscribe to the CRL database. To enable a direct link from the web discovery systems, in order to view a CRL eResource or to request CRL physical items via a local ILL form, libraries must also adjust local configurations.
Microform Sales
The Center for Research Libraries sells microform copies of current and retrospective newspaper titles to researchers and libraries.
These lists detail what titles are available for purchase:
- Newspapers–Currently Received
- Newspapers–Noncurrent
- CCC Camp Newspapers
Prices for microform copies are at cost for CRL members. Non-members pay an additional handling fee that covers our costs for providing this film. Postage is a separate charge. Please contact Access initiatives or call (773) 955-4545 ext. 267 for a price quote. Please include the title and range of years. Note that it may take several months to receive your copies.