Political Communications Web Archive

Report Details

PCWA Deliverables

Long-term Resource Management

  1. Description of cooperative framework, including determination of participating organizations and the roles they will play and concrete steps needed to implement the program to ensure ongoing support and equitable access along with a proposal for implementing the plan
  2. Budgetary requirements for implementation and funding of program

Curatorial http://lanic.utexas.edu/project/crl/

  1. Collection-policy statement outlining the process by which Web sites are assessed, captured, stored, and accessed
  2. Assessment of long-term resources required (time, staff, money)
  3. Recommendations and guidelines for:
    • All archiving policies and procedures (including dark archiving)
    • Copyright issues as related to all capturing practices
    • Risk-management tools
  4. Characteristics of crawl/capture regime (determined through analysis of desired sites to capture) including guidelines for extent of capture (breadth and depth)
  5. Demonstrated advantages and disadvantages of a centralized vs. distributed archival model
  6. Optimal and minimum acceptable metadata requirements
  7. Recommendation of curatorial practices and associated costs that will be applicable for broader implementation

Technical http://dlib.nyu.edu/webarchive/index.html

  1. Specifications of the ideal approach for capturing and archiving Web-based political materials for scholarly purposes (for coverage and retrieval)
  2. Determination of necessary technical expertise to run site
  3. Set of best practices for managing these resources over time with changing technologies
  4. Recommendations for staffing requirements
  5. Cost of ideal practices as related to equipment; network; staffing (direct and indirect); administration (including nontechnical); software purchase, development, and maintenance
    • Business model and associated costs
    • Staffing counts and skill sets