MEMP 2013 Business Meeting

Event Logistics

Tuesday, October 08, 2013
4:00–6:00 p.m. Central Time
New Orleans, LA
Judy Alspach -

MEMP (Middle East Microform Project) will hold its 2013 business meeting on Tuesday, October 8, in the Monroe Library at Loyola University in New Orleans.  The meeting will take place from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.; all are welcome at this open meeting.

MEMP member libraries fund projects and the acquisition of rare research materials related to the study of the Middle East through an annual membership fee. Representatives of member institutions meet annually to discuss current and future projects and set priorities for additional acquisitions.

The Impact of CRL

Stories illustrating CRL’s impact on research, teaching, collection building and preservation.

Unique Arab Diaspora Materials Saved for Future Scholars

The Middle East Materials Project (MEMP) microfilmed Arab-language publications from several diaspora communities in non-Arab countries, continuing to affirm MEMP’s role as a provider of rare and distinctive documentation.

Insights on Israel’s Palestinians from a Rare Arab-language Newspaper

CRL's newspaper collection played a critical role in shaping Brothers Apart, a study of Arab Israeli citizens in the 1950s-1960s by University of Arizona professor, Maha Nassar.