SAMP Collections

Collection Guides

SAMP's microform and digital collections form a large pool of historical, political, linguistic, economic, and geographical data and primary source materials not available elsewhere. Many of the sets contain archival material or large collections of material that do not lend themselves to traditional analytic cataloging. Many of these sets have Collection Guides to help scholars locate specific material of interest to their research.

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Holdings List

A comprehensive Holdings List of SAMP material is also available.  The Holdings List is organized by country of publication.

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Current SAMP Projects

Researchers who are interested in SAMP's current activities may check the list of Current SAMP Projects, which lists those projects recently funded by SAMP, but not yet complete.

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Guidelines for Proposing a New Project

New materials are added to the SAMP collection on an ongoing basis.  Funding proposals for acquisitions and new projects are considered each year at SAMP's annual meeting.  Proposals to preserve or acquire research material in microfilm, digital or other format are welcomed by SAMP.  Guidelines for proposing a SAMP project will assist members in crafting successful proposals.

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Featured: Unique Urdu and Hindi Collection

Prof. Robert Phillips, lecturer for the Program in South Asian Studies at Princeton University, teaches courses in Hindi-Urdu and South Asian Studies, and has used both South Asia Materials Project (SAMP) and CRL resources to support different research, writing, and teaching projects.

Accessing Āmukha in SAMP’s holdings offered an opportunity to incorporate the crucial - but often less-collected - genre of the little magazine into his research on Hindi modernism and a subsequent conference presentation.